This is oli and boj's website on our version of the music of our lives. Here you will find many contraversial views on certain music stars, espesially one by the name of marrylinn manson. You will also find many lyrics and articles on bands, some of wich have specific pages, and some of wich don't. We will also be having interviews skanked from some magazines that we think are good, and also some reviews on songs and albums that we have bought or already own. Plaese note that the reviews will be for UK chart music due to the fact that we don't know anyone else in any other place that could give us thier views on the music in their country. Here is a brief explanation of what will be on our site soon or maybe later:-

Night Fever or Sh*te fever - this is our review section on the latest albums and singles released in the UK

Bojy's Bad corner and oli's stairway to heaven - The 10 best and the ten worst songs in the UK at the moment , with a brief explanation why we think so, so that you may disagree


Band digging session - This gives our surfers the chance to have a good old dig at the band that is in session at that moment. Write what you whish we will put it on with as little alteration as poss (Maybe a * or # so that people on monitered servers may get on to the site)


Another One Bytes The Dust - this show the biggest UK flop of the week - eg. wigfield's 2nd single


Music Genre Descriptions - This give a definitive guide to what music you really like, not some ' well I like Catatonia(No Disrespect to Cat)'


Best Album / Single of the Month - (Sarcastic Tone)Duh i think it's about turnips


News - The latest on tour dates and stuff like that on any bands we want to write about


Interviews - Usually copyed from mags, but some are reasnobly honest and don't just lick the artists rear


Discographys - A bands trials and tribulations are shown to all in these discographys the chart position of each Single / Album is noted. Notice how some improve and some get worse by looking at the graph shown at the bottom


The BANDO Awards- The annual Boj and Oli Awards - We basicallyTake the P*ss and give out any award we feel like bieng as cocky as we are


The Studios - Where You can pick up all of our sound files and give us some if you really want.


The rock family tree - Oli felt like it


Best 50 Albums of all time - We might even let you vote on it